Short Thank You Message for Birthday Wishes

1. Thank you everyone for all the attention, love, and warm wishes on my birthday.

2. I would like a big Thanks to all who celebrated my B’day with fun and happiness.

3. I may not be royalty, but your birthday wishes sure made me feel like a queen/king today.

4. Thank you so much for your lovely wishes.

5. Thanks for remembering my birthday—it really means a lot to me.

6. Thanks for not just making my birthday better but for making my life better.

7. Thank you Facebook for reminding my lazy friends of my birthday! Thank you, guys.

8. Your kind words mean a lot to me. Thank you for always standing by me. I love you.

9. Thanks for coming to my birthday party even though Mom is no longer making you do it.

10. Thank you for the dedicated effort of copying and pasting birthday wishes from Google.

11. Thanks for making my birthday so special. I feel so loved!

12. You made my B’day very special with your wishes. Tq very much.

13. Thanks for wishing me a Happy Birthday, everyone! It was happy indeed, thanks to you!

14. I am thankful to all from the bottom of the heart for your Birthday wishes.

15. Thanks for all the birthday wishes! You made a great day even greater!

16. Okay. Thank you… Now please stop sending me stupid birthday memes.

17. Thanks to everyone. You made my b’day bright and happy.

18. You stayed awake late to wish me on my birthday. I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

19. Today’s day was special for me and your wishes made it more special. Thank you so much to all.

20. Thank you for your love on my birthday. You are a true gift from God.

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