Emotional Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend

121. To the world, you might be just an ordinary person. But this ordinary person makes my life extraordinary! Wishing this ordinary person an extraordinary birthday!

122. I could buy you a thousand flowers but they would still be too petty to express what I feel for you. Happy Birthday!

123. Though I don’t understand any of your jokes still I love to listen to all of them, because I love sitting with you for hours without being logical to anything else. Happy Birthday!

124. You already have my love honey, what do you need more than my love as your birthday gift?

125. Since the first day we met, you kindled a fire in my heart that has been blazing ever since. I'm fortunate to have you. Birthday greetings!

126. You are sweet, adorable, beautiful, and intelligent but on the top of all that you are a great person. I feel lucky to have you as my partner. Happy Birthday, love!

127. Happy birthday, my love. If a flower bloomed every time your thought crossed my mind, this world would have been a flower garden!

128. Several lifetimes would not be enough for me to show you what you mean to me. Stay with me forever, and I can try. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

129. To my dearest girlfriend, all the love letters aside, this one is especially for you. I want to thank you for introducing to the new side of the world, happy birthday darling! Love you.

130. Happy birthday, beautiful! This cake, these mere gifts, and candles do not justify your beauty, your excellence, and your gorgeous presence. You are one in a million!

131. On this day, God gifted the world something so precious and rare that the world couldn’t help but wonder and stare. Happy birthday, dear!

132. I You will forever remain the most attractive girl in town, even if the world were to turn on its head. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

133. It doesn’t matter if we have wrinkles on our faces as long as our love remains youthful as ever. So, don’t worry my love. Your wrinkles don’t bother me. Happy birthday!

134. And every day I think that each passing day you are growing to be more beautiful yet old. Happy birthday girlfriend, cheers to loads of drinks and bullshit together!

135. Happy Birthday, my girl. You make my heartbeat stop and make my life fantastic. I love you!

136. Happy birthday to my life's love! Always ready to show you my flower my undying love and support.

137. Happy birthday darling, you are the cutest lady and I can share all my things with.

138. My heart beats because of you; I appreciate you making everything worthwhile. I wish my one and only girlfriend a happy birthday.

139. A lovely princess entered the earth on this day to brighten my life. With you, I wish to live my life. Love, happy birthday.

140. Seeing you smile is breathing oxygen to me. I dedicate my life to making you smile every single moment! Happy birthday my oxygen!

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