Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Wife

41. As you celebrate another trip around the sun, I’m blown away by your undeniable beauty. Happy birthday, pretty girl.

42. There’s nothing like sharing my love and life with you. Wishing you the best birthday ever, babe.

43. I love you every day, but today I want you to be showered with affection. Your wish is your command. Happy birthday.

44. To the woman I love the most, who cares for me and makes sure I am happy, a very happy birthday! I love you for who you are and what you have done to my life.

45. Loving you is a privilege, knowing you is a blessing, and being with you is a dream come true.

46. You look so beautiful, flawless and I can never get over that face of yours. Happy birthday, Wife, I love you!

47. You are my world and I cannot imagine my life without you. Loving birthday wishes to my adorable wife.

48. When you blow out your candles and make wishes, I hope that they all come true. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

49. Your smile puts a bounce in my step. Your love makes me want to sing. Every kiss could spark a hundred candles on this birthday cake. Thank you for making every moment a celebration!

50. It has been years since I have known you but every day I unfold a new thing about you. Happy birthday, wife!

51. Happy Birthday to the one who makes my heart smile.

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